Building Memories of Home and Family

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A few months before Ray’s daddy passed away, Ray and I drove by the two homes in Columbia, Tennessee, where Ray’s family had lived while he was growing up. We saw this one on Conant Street and were thankful that the garage Ray’s dad built in the backyard was still standing.


The family moved to a new subdivision when Ray was five, so most of his childhood memories of home happened at the little two-bedroom ranch on Porter Circle.


Ray remembers his mom cooking round steak in the kitchen, his father grilling hamburgers, and the family eating potpies in the tiny den while watching Gilligan’s Island on grocery-buying night. He remembers spreading out his toys over the couch, sharing a bedroom with his brother, playing Wiffle® ball in the backyard, and taking walks with his dad.

Memories of family and home are not items that go on a high school transcript, but they are vastly more important than anything that does go on the transcript.

Building memories of family and home—those are reasons to keep on keeping on when you feel a bit discouraged about homeschooling.

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,
always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all,
in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.
For I am confident of this very thing,
that He who began a good work in you
will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:3-6


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