I Am Pleased with You!
It’s birthday time in our family! Between May 28 and July 30, we have the birthdays of nine precious people! What a blessing it is to celebrate these who are precious to me. We are celebrating folks from one to…
It’s birthday time in our family! Between May 28 and July 30, we have the birthdays of nine precious people! What a blessing it is to celebrate these who are precious to me. We are celebrating folks from one to…
My collection of rocks is small. I’ve picked one up here and there through the years. I cherish the rocks our grandchildren have painted and the ones they have found and given to me because of the beauty they see…
I left Ray’s Sunday evening sermon encouraged and hopeful. I confess to looking at my task list and wondering, “How in the world . . . ?!” As in, “How can I be a wife and a Little and a…
I’m enjoying the rains we have had this week. Two nights in a row we had pretty ferocious storms. I felt a little anxious during one of them, just as I have felt anxious many times in those times of…
Jesus had been with His Father since before the world began. Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. John 17:5 Jesus and His Father had worked together to…
I’ve met some large homeschooling families, but I don’t know any who call the roll (unless it’s a mama gong through the names of her children one after another trying to say the right one!). Calling the roll was a…