Bouncing and Clinging

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For the first time, since I was in the marching band in high school, I have found a way to exercise consistently, doing something I enjoy. Ray and I bought a mini-trampoline. It meets all the criteria I wanted.

  • I can do it rain or shine.
  • It fits in our closet, so I don’t have to decorate my house with a piece of exercise equipment.
  • The only preparation I have to do is to pick it up and put it on our bedroom floor–no special clothes, no driving to the gym, no finding someone to stay with my mother.
  • It’s cheap; we paid for it one time and there are no monthly fees.
  • I don’t have to watch and try to keep up with some skinny woman on a screen.
  • I think it’s fun.

Sometimes I just jog in place and sometimes I “duh-da-duh-da” our old high school fight song while doing one of my old majorette routines as I bounce. I figure that way I’m exercising my heart and my brain at the same time! I do it sans baton. The only baton I still have complete is my fire baton. Guess I’d better not try that in the house.

I love to look out the window. Sometimes I sing hymns. I’m astounded at myself really when I stop and think about it. Me exercising regularly. Can it be?

Ray is a long-time book reader and book listener. He’s my techie. If he wrote out a list of hobbies, he’d have to include electronic devices, but he makes great use of them–one book after another after another.

Techie I am not. I just bought my first MP3 player. I know, I know. I’m way behind. My impetus was the trampoline. Now I can jump and listen.

I’m hooked. Ray helped me sign up through the Tennessee state library system and I downloaded my first book: Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens. It is a very long listen and Ray was doubtful that I should start out with something so long, but I’m going to be sorry when it’s over.

Where I Bounce to England
Where I Bounce to England

I love the book. I don’t recommend the BBC mini-series, because it is bloody and has a prostitution scene that isn’t even hinted at in the book. I love how the book encourages me to love what is good and to hate what is evil. A friend once told me that she didn’t read fiction for years because a minister told her once that Christians should not read fiction because fiction is simply a well-told lie. I strongly disagree with his advice.

I haven’t listened to the end, so I’m not recommending it quite yet, though I can’t imagine that I will find anything objectionable. It praises a daughter’s unwavering love and sacrifice for her family. It condemns proud and haughty attitudes. It shows the foolishness of marrying a man not respected by a girl’s parents. It condemns works-based, Pharisaical religion. It is a hilarious treatise on government that is too big for its britches and which stifles initiative and ingenuity in its citizens.

To me, it illustrates many teachings of Scripture, revealing what happens in the lives of those who follow them and of those who don’t.

When I was in high school, I went to the movies on many Sunday afternoons with my aunt who was just about my age. I remember sitting in a movie and realizing that I was rooting for someone who was not doing the will of God. I felt bad about that. While I bounce and listen to the adventures of Little Dorrit, Dickens makes it easy for me to root for the righteous.

I encourage you to be sure that your children are hearing and seeing clear messages that encourage them to:

Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9

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  1. I love it! I want a rebounder too! It is supposed to be a great way to detox gently – I just learned that in November at a big conference. 🙂 Lucy and I actually did watch the BBC mini – series of Little Dorrit last year. A very dear friend loaned us her copy. When that scene suddenly began, I threw my hand over her eyes and grabbed the remote to fast forward. There were a couple of other times where I forwarded through, but overall we really enjoyed the story. It did not occur to me to get the audio book. We need to do that. Yes there is so much in that story worth thinking about; where the line between good and evil is clearly drawn. Thank you!

  2. Your approach to exercise is almost identical to mine! I needed something small and portable, that I could do at home in any kind of weather, and that I enjoy. I ended up finding a mini-stepper machine with resistant arm bands. I really love doing it!

    • That sounds great, Claire. I try to do arm exercises similar to what our gym teacher taught us in elementary school, but I’ll try to get some wrist weights to make that more effective. You inspired that idea. Thanks!

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