Asking for Your Prayers Again

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Good Morning, Mamas. I haven’t given you an update on Ray for some time, but you have shown such kind concern that Ray wants me to tell you the latest in his health journey this year.

In July Ray had an encouraging visit with his pulmonologist. His pulmonary function test was very good. We also learned that day that his lung disease has not progressed. We were very grateful and almost giddy with excitement.

I told you about his miraculous heart surgery on July 25.

With our son, John, on July 26, the morning after Ray’s surgery

Ray had his follow up visit on August 25. The staff continues to be amazed at God’s intervention during his surgery. Ray is doing very well. We were also grateful that the cardiologist who did his surgery has agreed to continue to serve as his cardiologist. Ray is to have another appointment in six months.

We do have other concerning news, however. During Ray’s months-long heart and lung journey, a lung PET scan revealed suspicious tissue in his prostate. After many appointments and tests of many kinds since April, we now know that it is high risk prostate cancer. Treatment is essential. Because of the lung disease, the best option is a combination of two to three years of hormone therapy, plus 25 days of 5-day-a-week radiation. The hormone therapy is to begin right away. Radiation is to begin on Sept. 20 and continue through October 25.

God continues to provide blessings. For one thing, we would have no idea that this was an issue if Ray had not had that lung PET scan back in the spring. For another thing, Ray feels really good. We are up to almost two miles during our morning walks. His legs might be tired, but his breathing is perfect.

While we would not have delayed Ray’s treatments because of the HDS play this year, we are thankful that the schedule is such that I should still be able to volunteer most of the days of practice. This effort means so much to me, and this is another blessing.

We continue to be humbled and amazed at how God gives us strength and keeps our spirits up. The support you have been to us the last several months, along with the support of our family and our local friends and our friends from the places where Ray once served as minister, have been very encouraging. We cherish the prayers you have already said for us, and we ask you to pray with us again.

Jesus said:

“Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Do not let your heart be troubled,
nor let it be fearful.”
John 14:27


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  1. I love how faith-filled you are choosing to be! Some people would no doubt heave a heavy sigh and exclaim “if it’s not one thing it’s another!” When in reality God is blessing each of us with the circumstances we need to learn and grow more like Him. That learning happens so much faster and joyfully when we recognize His hand in all things and express gratitude. I will be keeping your whole family in my prayers. Thank you for reminding me daily that there are still good faithful people in the world.

  2. Food for thought:
    My husband’s father and uncle both developed prostate cancer. The one that received targeted radiation as a treatment for it went downhill from there on out and died in his 70’s. The one who had it surgically removed died at age 90.

    • Thank you for your comment about the differences in your family’s response to prostate cancer treatments. Ray’s urologist has assured him that both surgery and external radiation have equivalent outcomes. The urology staff had told us already that the outcomes are statistically equivalent after 10 years, but they have now informed us that recent information says that they are now known to be equivalent after 15 years. We are grateful for this because Ray’s pulmonologist is fearful of him having surgery because of the condition of his lungs. The urologist said that she would do surgery anyway if she was not confident that surgery and radiation have statistically equivalent outcomes. She said that she doesn’t want to hurt him in an effort to help him.

      Please pray for a great outcome for my precious Ray.


  3. Thank you for sharing this with us, Charlene. I am thankful that there is treatment, and that Ray can begin most of it right away. Will be praying for continued strength and peace for you both and healing for Ray.

  4. Charlene, I did not know of Rays problems. I will be remembering both of you and your sweet family in prayer. Y’all have always been an inspiration to me!

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