Category My Heart to Yours

Good Gifts 2

This morning I was thinking about what I shared with you yesterday and realized that I left out some things I wanted to say. Let’s talk more about giving good gifts. Yesterday I talked mainly about things that cost money. Parents…

Good Gifts 1

As I stood at the bathroom sink getting ready for the day, I was thinking about ways we can bless other people and ways that we can hurt them. Two of Jesus’ teachings came to mind. I sat down at…

Somebody Needs to Fix It

Our granddaughter Clara has been listening to Bible verses set to music, including Proverbs 17:22: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Like all children, you never know when what goes into her…


One by one I have added perennials to my garden. Several years ago I stopped at a nursery and found an inexpensive four-pack of perennials. I am terrible at remembering the names of new things I plant. I’m not even…