Down the Lane Hand in Hand with Your Children

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By the time I got home from my memory drive of “playing hooky” with our kids, my day’s route had been shaped rather loosely like an upside down triangle, except that the homeward drive from Jamestown was a very wiggly line — both up and down and from side to side (in other words, very hilly and very curvy).

The bright sun, low in the western sky, made the almost-ready-to-turn leaves look so pretty. Trees made a canopy over this lane by the side of the road.


Cattle grazed in front of the barn on the lane’s eastern side.


I could see shadows, a pasture, and distant hills on the western side. . .

By the Canopied Lane 1

. . . and a butterfly was tasting nectar from the wildflowers . . .

Wildflowers and Butterfly

. . . beyond this very sturdy fence post.


I took one more picture of the lane before pulling myself away to continue my trek back home.


You are guiding your children along a lane every day, and God has given you instructions about how to do that.

Begin in His word.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105

Don’t follow the advice of the wicked or be in the path where sinners walk.

How blessed is the man
who does not walk
in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners . . .
Psalm 1:1

Stay away from violence.

As for the deeds of men,
. . . by the word of Your lips
I have kept from the paths of the violent.
My steps have held fast to Your paths.
My feet have not slipped.
Psalm 17:4-5

Practice lovingkindness and tell the truth.

All the paths of the Lord
are lovingkindness and truth
To those who keep
His covenant and His testimonies.
Psalm 25:10

Follow God’s commands.

Make me walk in the path
of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.
Psalm 119:35

Don’t follow sinners.

My son, if sinners entice you,
Do not consent.
My son, do not walk in the way with them.
Keep your feet from their path,
Proverbs 1:10, 15

Follow the example of good men.

So you will walk in the way of good men
And keep to the paths of the righteous.
Proverbs 2:20

Follow the path of the righteous.

But the path of the righteous
is like the light of dawn,
That shines brighter and brighter
until the full day.
Proverbs 4:18

Watch where you are going.

Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.
Proverbs 4:26

Don’t ignore reproof; do heed instruction.

He is on the path of life
who heeds instruction,
But he who ignores reproof
goes astray.
Proverbs 10:17

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  1. I love this post. Such a wonderful reminder of what we are actually doing each day with our children as we live our lives. Thank you.

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