Good Habit #2 — Look on the Bright Side

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When I was a little girl, Mother used to ask me to move, saying “You’re standing in my light.” These requests came when Mother was doing a sewing project and needed to focus on some detail.

Her request was a mystery to me. My eyes were still new, and I didn’t need things particularly bright to see details. Now I understand.

As I said on Monday, I love light. Light is one of my favorite subjects to photograph, such as the . . .

. . . basement window at our friends’ house and . . .

. . . doorways at Chaco Canyon National Historical Park . . .

. . . morning at our neighbor’s farm and . . .

. . . leaves on the maple tree in the front yard and . . .

. . . sunset in Chattanooga and . . .

. . . reflections on Roaring River and . . .

. . . the statue of George Washington at the North Carolina State Capitol and . . .

. . . a yellow rose in our garden and . . .

. . . sunset after a storm and . . .

. . . sunrise by the Florida shore and . . .

. . . sunset on the Pacific.

Lately I’ve been learning about light and about looking on the bright side from two of our church members. I’ll call them Debby and Miss Hilda. Five weeks ago they were driving the speed limit through our little town, minding their own business, when three young women came into their lane, knocking them down a tall embankment and into the creek bed below. Debby, who is about my age, fractured three vertebrae in her neck. Her mother, Miss Hilda, broke her sternum and five ribs. The young women were fine.

Both of these dear friends of ours are healing slowly. Both spent a few days in the hospital and Miss Hilda spent more days in rehab. They’ve been at church for three Sundays now. Neither is bitter. Both are thankful for the many who are showing their love. Both know that this was a very close call. Both are grateful to be alive. Both are trusting their Father in heaven.

I am learning so much by watching them. Every day we have the opportunity to teach and to model a joyful spirit that looks on the bright side of life. We can see God’s gifts and blessings and be grateful.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, 
whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise,
dwell on these things.
Philippians 4:8

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