Hanging On to Hope

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Sometimes problems seem so overwhelming that we can hardly imagine things ever feeling right again. Don’t despair. Hopelessness can turn to hope. Two true stories from the past few weeks have encouraged me. I have changed the names to share them with you.

Sam and Jeannie had been close as brother and sister, but something had gone badly wrong. Sam became very angry with Jeannie inexplicably. Suddenly he would rarely answer phone calls or texts. When he did communicate, his words were sometimes terse and sometimes cutting diatribes, so painful that Jeannie cried and cried. These siblings had always gotten together at Christmastime, but last Christmas, Sam would not even respond to Jeannie’s words of love by voice mail and text, even on Christmas Day, much less get together in person.

Jeannie kept loving Sam, trying various ways to restore the relationship, and begging God for restoration. Finally one day they talked face to face. He listened to her, let down his defenses, and gave up misconceptions he had come to believe. It seemed as if scales fell from his eyes and he was finally able to see her again–the sister he had always known and loved. This year Sam and Jeannie’s relationship is as close as it ever was. Sam welcomed Jeannie and her husband to his home on Christmas Day and treated them with great kindness.

God restores broken relationships and heals broken hearts.

Tressa and Jim have always homeschooled their three children. Their middle child Tim has Asperger’s syndrome. At times this child’s anger has been almost uncontrollable and their family’s life has been painful. Tressa and Jim came close to despair, but they continued to take Tim and their family to their heavenly Father in prayer.

In the last few years, Tressa and Jim have found ways to help their hurting child. This Christmas when Tim became anxious because of the change in schedule from daily homeschooling to time off for the holidays, instead of lashing out in violence, he was able to talk to his parents about his feelings.

God heals families and gives parents hope again.

If there is anything in your life that you fear will never change, take courage and take it to your Father Who loves you. Do that again and again and again.

Now to him who is able to do 
immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, 
according to his power that is at work within us, 
to him be glory in the church 
and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, 
for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV

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