Happy Anniversary, Homeschool Heroines

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I missed our anniversary!! Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Daily Encouragement for Homeschool Mothers. I knew we were coming up on it, but I just didn’t think about it when I wrote the blog for yesterday.

Garden Three 002 cropped for blog
My garden was windy and weedy on our Daily Encouragement anniversary,
but the chives were in bloom and the oregano was everywhere.
Oregano loves my garden more than anything else does.
Do you like my $5.00 rooster from Big Lots?
He’s been hanging out in our yard for a long time now.

I want to thank each of you for allowing me to be part of your lives each Monday through Friday. This blog has come to mean so much to me. I just love writing you each day. Hearing from you from time to time means a lot to me, too. It has been wonderful to meet some of you at conferences.

Now, if you have never sent me an email or written a comment on a blog, don’t you feel bad about that for a minute. You are busy, busy mamas doing wonderful things with your children. The purpose of this blog is to encourage you and not to give you one more thing to do!

If you are one of the people who has written to me and I have yet to respond, please forgive me. Sometimes a comment gets lost in my inbox. You could ask any of my children about their mama’s notoriously full inbox. Then you would understand how easily a few could get lost. Some times of my year are particularly full and that is the most likely reason that you did not receive a reply. Again I am very sorry. I assure you that any oversight was not intentional; and please don’t let it discourage you from emailing or commenting again.

As I told you last year on April 29, 2013:

I love homeschooling mothers. You are my heroines. I know you don’t feel like a heroine every day, maybe not most days, maybe not ever, but you are. You could be spending your life in many different ways, but you have embraced your role as mother. You are devoting your days, weeks, months, and years to nurturing the precious human beings God has entrusted to you.

But we proved to be gentle among you,
as a nursing mother tenderly cares
for her own children.
1 Thessalonians 2:7

 That’s you!

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One comment

  1. Congratulations on one year of blessing from your heart to ours, and here’s to many more! God bless your work~ Krista

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