Her Husband’s Keeper

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On March 30, 1981, just two months after his first Inauguration Day, President Reagan left a Washington, D.C., hotel after speaking to a group inside. Walking by his right side was Nancy.

Suddenly a bullet struck the President, entering his body through his raised left arm. A Secret Service agent pushed him into the presidential limousine which sped to George Washington University Hospital. There doctors learned the bullet had landed less than an inch from the President’s heart. It was a close call, but the seventy-year-old President survived and soon thrived.

The following day a distraught Nancy sought counsel from a group of close friends. Among them were the Reagan’s new minister in Washington, D.C., their former minister in California, and evangelist Billy Graham.

Nancy told the group gathered in a room at the White House that she was struggling with feelings of “failed responsibility,” because she usually stood on her husband’s left side. Nancy was sorry she had not been there at that moment so the bullet would have hit her instead of him.

Time Magazine’s article “Remembering Nancy Reagan: The End of a White House Love Story,” dated March 6, 2016, includes these quotes from the Reagans:

Nancy Reagan wrote, “My life didn’t really begin until I met Ronnie.” About Nancy, Ronald Reagan wrote: “Whatever I treasure and enjoy,  this home, our ranch, the sight of the sea — all would be without meaning if I didn’t have you. I live in a permanent Christmas because God gave me you.”

First Lady Nancy and President Ronald Reagan arrive in Washington after a visit to Camp David. Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library
First Lady Nancy and President Ronald Reagan arrive in Washington after a visit to Camp David. Photo Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones.
Proverbs 12:4

Facts in this post came from the article, “The Untold Story of How Nancy Reagan Would Have Taken a Bullet for Her Husband” by Paul Kengor on FoxNews.com.

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