God’s Numbers

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I began Daily Encouragement for Homeschooling Mothers to encourage you. From the beginning, you have encouraged me in return. That has been especially true since I sent out my prayer request yesterday for our grandson. Each time one of you has written to me, I have been grateful. Today I have been overwhelmed. Thank you very much.

We arrived safely in St. Louis last night. By the time we got to the hospital to see Henry, John and Audra had received encouraging test results from two of the tests that Henry has received so far. I held and played with Henry a long time. He was the bubbly, happy little one that we know and love. He laughed out loud when I played with him. He played peek-a-boo with Notty (that’s Ray; it’s short for Notgrass) across the room, gave him his funny grin, waved at him, and said, “Hi,” over and over again. The biggest encourager in the room last night was Henry.

This past weekend Ray and I had visited with Henry and his mommy and daddy in Missouri. When we left to go to St. Louis today, we had only been home since Monday evening.  Last Saturday we all went on an outing. Henry sat in his carseat with his admiring Little Mama and Notty on either side. The grin we saw tonight was the same one I photographed that day.

Visits with Eva and Henry 142

Please continue to pray for Henry, for John, and Audra, and for all of us. We expect more tests and test results today.

One of the many sweet comments I received yesterday was this: “The Great Physician loves your grandson even more than you do. He is not wringing His hands in worry and surprise.” I believe that with all of my being. I believe it about Henry, John, and Audra, and I believe it about every issue that each of you is facing, too.

Are not two sparrows sold for a cent?
And yet not one of them will fall
to the ground apart from your Father.
But the very hairs of your head
are all numbered. So do not fear;
you are more valuable than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31, NASB

God knows the number of blond hairs on Henry’s head and every number in His body that the doctors are counting. Please pray that those numbers bring us all hope and encouragement today.

P.S. Some of you may be wondering who is taking care of my mother while Ray and I are away. Our daughter Mary Evelyn and her husband Nate graciously offered to take care of her last weekend. They did an excellent job and were kind enough to take on that responsibility again such a short time later. We can’t thank them enough. Mother continues to improve.


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