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Today I’d like to introduce you to a homeschooling mother I first met when she emailed me about a month ago. I’ll call her Sara. When I found out Sara was from Anchorage (her real hometown), I was sorry I hadn’t met her in person when I was there recently.

Alaska with Fuji 1445
Early One Morning in Anchorage

In that first email, Sara introduced me to her three children. Each of whom sound like people I would love to get to know. Sara also shared her desire to stop giving in to the pressures to “do everything right” in her homeschool. She has needed relief from pressure, because she and her husband have been faithfully serving her beloved mother-in-law who has been very ill. They have also been caring for her father-in-law, who has survived a stroke and a heart attack. The stress this last month has been intense.

A few days ago Sara’s mother-in-law, a beautiful woman of God, went home to be with the Lord. When Sara and her husband told the children that she had passed away, the children praised God and were grateful that Grammie was now in heaven and healed. Sara told me: “I cannot express how thankful I am that the Savior took this sad time to build in solid foundations of faith and trust in my children. No curriculum, schedule, or discipline could ever have achieved this — without God’s hand, of course.”

Sara spoke of the beauty of living close as a family. She said, “I get the opportunity to encourage the children to look up to the Lord and His ways.”

And here is a lesson Sara’s eight-year-old daughter (I’ll call her Marie) learned while watching her own mother take care of her grandmother. Marie told Sara’s dad that she learned how to take care of her mommy when she gets old.

In all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds . . .
Titus 2:7

Good job, Sara.




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  1. Wow, Charlene! What an encouragement and inspiration! Thanks, I hope to remember this for many days, years, to come. Hope you’re all doing well– God bless your week~ Krista

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