The Man Behind the Television Almanzo, Part 1

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Dean Butler, who played Almanzo in the television series “Little House on the Prairie,” was our next door neighbor at the Indiana Association of Home Educators convention in Indianapolis last weekend. IAHE invited him to speak at the convention last weekend because of his involvement in continuing the legacy of author Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Dean Butler and Ray and Me at the IAHE Convention in Indianapolis, March 2015

When we arrived to set up our own booth at the convention, Butler’s booth was ready for the weekend. At the front was a tall banner with a larger-than-life sepia photo of Almanzo from the television series, wearing the familiar clothes of a pioneer farmer, a big wide-brimmed hat, and the familiar Almanzo grin. On the table were music CDs produced by Pa’s Fiddle Recordings, digitally-remastered DVDs of the Little House series which include bonus documentary material produced by Butler, and the two original documentaries Butler has produced about Laura and Almanzo:

Almanzo Wilder: Life Before Laura

Little House on the Prairie: The Legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder

Knowing that Mr. Butler was to be at the convention, Ray had printed a copy of our Laura’s Little Houses: A Guide to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Sites book to give to him. We had to wait our turn to visit with Mr. Butler and give him the book because of the long lines of people waiting to get his autograph and have a picture made with him (as I observed several of those photo ops, I learned that the Almanzo grin is a genuine one that belongs to Butler himself). Finally, we decided just to get in line ourselves.

Ray and I were both surprised when Mr. Butler immediately recognized us from our previous meeting at the Florida Parent-Educators Association conference in 2013. At that conference we had spent only a few minutes with Butler, discussing our mutual interest in Laura. It was on our way home from that conference that Ray and I visited the site near Westville, Florida where Laura and Almanzo lived with some of their relatives in 1891-92. They lived there hoping the weather would help Almanzo recover from diphtheria, which he contracted early in their marriage.

We thought we were completing our seventeen-year quest of visiting every place that Laura and Almanzo ever lived. Here is my blog about that visit: Laura Fans (I have mentioned Laura in previous posts. Here are links to those: Home, Sharing the Family Stories, Teaching with Confidence). Boy, were we surprised when our family did research for the e-book and found out about one more out-of-the-way historic marker in Missouri! Now we have one more to go!

After meeting Mr. Butler in Florida, I was grateful that he was continuing to tell people about the real family behind the books and the television series. After talking with him in Indianapolis, I am grateful that this is being accomplished by a man of such intelligence and kindness. I am also thankful that this actor and producer from LA is interacting with homeschoolers. Ray and I respect people who are always learning. I can tell that Dean Butler is learning wherever he is and that he has a passion to share that learning with others.

Do you see a man skilled in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before obscure men.
Proverbs 22:29

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  1. Oh, how delightful to have met Dean Butler, and to find him so dedicated to preserving and sharing the true legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family! I have been a fan of her books for years–we have them all, along with several biographies. My youngest, Josiah, is almost done with “Farmer Boy” right now. Thanks for all the links to past posts, as well as some of the titles of Butler’s documentaries…I will look into all of these! It has long been a dream of mine to visit all of Laura’s homes as well…I pray that I may be able to do this someday!

    • I pray you can visit them, too. My favorites are the sites in DeSmet, SD; Mansfield, MO; and Almanzo’s home in Malone, NY. Those sites have the most to see.

  2. Thanks so much for this post! I really enjoyed it! Of course, I’m a huge fan of everything Laura Ingalls Wilder, including the TV show. 🙂 I’d heard that Dean Butler was going to be at IAHE convention, so it was fun to read your recap. I see that the title is “Part 1” so I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing “Part 2” tomorrow!


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