Merry Christmas from Gainesboro
I got all misty watching the Gainesboro Christmas parade last Saturday night. My heart swelled with love and joy. I’m so grateful for our little town and these wonderful people. It was our best Christmas parade yet.
We usually watch the parade on Hull Avenue, named for Secretary of State Cordell Hull. Our local grandchildren love that spot. They collect lots of candy there. Our daughter came up with a great idea for the mound of candy. Each year the parade candy makes pretty decorations for their gingerbread house (made of graham crackers).
This year we watched the parade on the town square across the street from the courthouse. We wanted a good view when the town honored this year’s Grand Marshal, Katherine Anderson. I have written to you about Miss Katherine several times. She is our 95-year-old friend from church whom we admire and love so much.
Ray, Mother, and I got to town early so that Mother could watch from the car.
We were directly across from the emcee, Mr. Barham. He sat in a folding chair just outside the courthouse, wearing a fuzzy red Santa hat. He’s our neighbor. Neighbor — that’s a great way to describe Mr. Barham. We’ve watched him be a good neighbor again and again since we moved here. Here he is with his wife Kim. She’s our county register of deeds and another good neighbor.

Our town was quiet and peaceful as we waited for the parade to begin.
Across from the courthouse lawn with its lighted trees, Carol’s antique store was open late for parade-goers.
Our new Jamie Dailey historical marker reflected local Christmas lights.
Snowmen gleamed in front of the local police station.
Our newest antique store, the Front Porch Mercantile, continued serving refreshments as they had all day, . . .
. . . and they welcomed folks to come on in.
The parade began as usual with our local police leading the way.
Then came our Grand Marshal, . . .
. . . happy Miss Katherine.
Mr. Barham told the crowd that she worked in research as a young woman, that she was a retired school teacher, and that she co-founded our local Jackson County Historical Society. Jordan Hunter, our young and energetic Chamber of Commerce president, gave Miss Katherine flowers.
Then came the Band in Blue . . .
and many fire trucks . . .
. . . and the first of many jeeps. The Middle Tennessee Jeep Association is a great blessing to our town. They support us in many ways.
We enjoyed floats, like this one from H and H Hardware. They’ve been a huge help to us as we have remodeled our old house.
Churches march in our parade.
Government agencies participate. This float was a joint effort of our local road department and the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
This generous man drove his old Farmall tractor.
Our good friend Glenn Jones owns Rosewood, the local wedding chapel. He is very civic-minded. One of the many projects we have watched him begin is our local Veterans Hall.
It was fun introducing you to Miss Katherine and a few of our other friends and neighbors. Merry Christmas from Gainesboro.
Matthew 22:39
Your local Christmas parade is much like our local parades here in West Tennessee! It was a heartwarming pleasure to see the photos with my 13 year old homeschooler! Thank you for sharing.
Our parade here in small town Texas what a lot like yours. We had 100 entries this year. Always fun to hang out and watch.
Merry Christmas