Party Time and Taking Turns

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The “me first” talk mamas hear and hear and hear can wear a mama out. You know how it goes:

“He took my ______!” (Just fill in the blank.)

“I want to sit in your lap!”

“I asked first!”

“It’s my turn!”

Yikes! It’s enough to make a mama go nuts.

So, who wants to have a fun family party night when that stuff is going on?

On a recent Saturday I invited some young grandchildren over for a Notty and Little fun time. Before they came, I made a plan that worked well for taking turns. It’s so simple that I am a bit sheepish about sharing it, but it worked so well, I thought you might find it helpful. I feel sure it would work with children of any age as long as the activities you chose are age appropriate. It could even be a weekly family activity.

Ray and I gathered six picture books to read aloud, two wooden puzzles, four sets of window clings, supplies for a simple craft, a half-hour video, and the gnomes for the centerpiece I showed you the other day.

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On small squares, I wrote the numbers 1-6 and put one in each book. I also made a square card for each activity and put them in a tin. When the children arrived, they took turns drawing a card from the tin. When it was your turn to draw a card, you got to go first in the activity.

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They took turns putting pieces in the puzzles, choosing and putting a cling on the window, and choosing a gnome for the centerpiece.

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Then we ate hotdogs and chips at the kiddie table while watching the video.

We have so many things to learn when we are little kids. Taking turns helps us with this one:

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,
but with humility of mind regard one another
as more important than yourselves;
do not merely look out for your own personal interests,
but also for the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4



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