Play Time

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Ray and I returned home yesterday afternoon after a trip. When Google maps showed the off-highway route only 40 minutes longer than the Interstate, we decided it was worth the extra time to avoid busy I-75.

I enjoyed the sights in the small towns and the odd country roads where we wondered why Google was directing us that way. I had to stop for a picture when we saw this wonderful restaurant sign.

My first excitement was seeing a red and white VW bus up in the sky because, as I mentioned recently, my family had one in the 1960s. Wow! Someone has a sense of humor!  It was a VW bus plane! In addition to the wonderful  tail on the back of the bus, wings extended from just above the VW chassis. Propellers whirled where the wheels used to be. I wonder how it looks at night. The headlights were turned on, so at least they would be fun to see at night!

Of course the purpose of the sign was to get you to stop at the business it represented. This business was a place called Sam’s Burger-Deli. The business was as creative as its sign.

Sam’s Burger-Deli

The whole scene reminds me of some sort of Duplo® creation I might see at the home of one of our grandchildren. You know, a house with wings or a barn with a train smokestack on the roof. I am grateful that our grandchildren get plenty of play time with sticks and stones and Duplos® . . . and, most especially, with their imaginations.

Yesterday a homeschooling mama told me that her children played in the rare Tennessee snow a lot last week instead of having “school.” She said that she figured if public school kids could take snow days, her kids could, too. I agree!

Time management is a constant challenge for many homeschooling mamas. It is easy to believe that making the best use of time is to keep kids busy, busy, busy with academics. Ephesians 5:15-16 teaches us to make the most of our time. Sometimes the very best way to let children make the most of their time is by giving them plenty of time to play.

So then, be careful how you walk,
not as unwise people but as wise,
making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16




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  1. It’s an important reminder! Life is far more than checking boxes and completing tasks or curriculum. God bless you all.????

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