Ten Days of Blessings — Blessing 1: God trusts you.
Several weeks ago we folks at Notgrass History decided to offer a ten-day challenge for you and other homeschooling mamas during these middle two weeks of February. When I sat down to work on the challenge, I kept thinking, “Maybe these mamas don’t need one more challenge. They already have enough to do! I’d rather give them ten gifts than ten challenges.” Thus we decided on Ten Days of Blessings. Here is the first one.
The first time I gave birth was in February forty years ago. Hospital policy wouldn’t let my husband in the delivery room. Our baby boy stayed cloistered away in the newborn nursery. Nurses rolled him into my room to nurse and then rolled him back to the nursery. We had to stay three days because he was a little jaundiced (during those three days in Mississippi, we had snow and a total solar eclipse). When our release day came, a nurse rolled our little John into my room and left him there with us. Yikes! Suddenly I was overwhelmed with feelings of responsibility. Suddenly our baby boy went from the security and safety of the hospital nursery to Ray and me. I was scared to death. Could I really take care of this fragile human being?
If only I had known then what I know now. God trusted me to take care of this precious child. If only I had realized the full impact of Psalm 139. God had chosen to weave this baby in my womb. God had fearfully and wonderfully made this baby inside me! When my baby’s frame was hidden, he was hidden inside of me. When God saw my baby’s unformed substance, He looked inside me to see it.
Do you ever look at your children and then look at yourself and wonder if you are up to the task of being their mother? Do you ever feel completely inadequate to give them what they need? Are you afraid you are going to mess them up by homeschooling them?
Parents have always trained their children. God planned it that way. Don’t be afraid of homeschooling. Homeschooling is not a new idea. Relax. You love your children. You want what’s best for them. You know what you’re doing. God loves your children. He made them. He trusts you with them. You are just right for the job.
Ephesians 6 teaches children to honor their mothers. He wants your children to honor you.
Proverbs 6 tells children to bind their mother’s teaching continually on their hearts. It says that your teaching will guide your children when they walk about. You teaching will watch over your children when they sleep. Your teaching will talk to your children when they are awake. God trusts you to teach your children.
Acts 26 explains to us that God made every nation of mankind to live on the earth and that He determined when they would live and where they would live. God placed you and your children together in your home right now. He trusts you.
Do you think you could do a better job than you are doing now? He’s got that covered, too.
For I am confident of this very thing,
that He who began a good work in you
will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6
Beautiful words of affirmation that I so needed today and many days. Thank you, Charlene!
Yes, the Bible is clear about who is to teach our kids. The word hasn’t changed.
I enjoy when we are reading about someone in history and realize they were homeschooled. Fun to wonder what they used as curriculum!