When a Homeschool Assignment Becomes a Blessing

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It feels so good when we can accomplish more than one goal while working on only one task. This grandma was doing just that during World War II. On this July day, she entertained her five-year-0ld grandson while knitting sweaters for the Red Cross.

Marilyn Olmsley with her grandson. July, 1942. Courtesy Library of Congress.
Marilyn Olmsley with her grandson, July, 1942. Courtesy Library of Congress.

When our family finally learned how to make homeschooling who we were instead something we carried around on our backs like a heavy burden, our children learned in many ways that accomplished more than one goal.

More than three years ago, I shared one example of this when I wrote about our Wednesday afternoon trips around the world with an elderly gentleman in our church. As the children and I sat in Brother Kinslow’s den every Wednesday afternoon, we homeschoolers learned geography and history from a widower who had lived a powerful Christian life for decades. The godly widower  got a break from his loneliness while relishing an opportunity to share his many stories.

Yesterday, while I was at a gathering with some ladies from our church, Sue, a former English teacher, mentioned her longing for people in our community to write down the stories of the oldest generation. Sue told us that Gladys (another of our church members I have told you about before) used to tell Sue stories about Sue’s grandfather. One time Sue asked Miss Gladys if she would write the stories down. Miss Gladys did write them down in her own Appalachian foothills vernacular. Sue thrilled Miss Gladys by typing them up and giving her a copy.

This idea of writing down or recording the stories of the oldest generation in our county is one I have heard mentioned several times since we moved here. I always sit there thinking about how I would love to do that but don’t feel that I have time to do that and also fulfill my other responsibilities. After Sue suggested this today, I began thinking about what a wonderful homeschool project it would be.

I once assigned our children a writing project that accomplished two goals while working on only one task. Goal one was the children combining efforts to write a short book: John, Bethany, and Mary Evelyn . . . In Their Own Words. Goal two was having a special Christmas present to give to their grandparents.

I’m grateful for this collective biography of our children and thankful that that idea prompts another one. Just think about how many goals could be accomplished if you gave your children the following assignment:

  • Interview an elderly person in your family, church, or community, asking that person to tell you stories about his or her life.
  • Take notes and turn them into a biography.
  • Give the person you interviewed a copy.

Your child could preserve history, learn from the wisdom of an elderly person, and bless that person with honor and companionship — all while completing a writing assignment. Imagine the impact for good that this could accomplish. Imagine having your children write the biography of a grandparent, great-grandparent, or great-aunt or great-uncle. Imagine the family stories being preserved.

You shall rise up
before the grayheaded and honor the aged,
and you shall revere your God;
I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

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