An Unlikely Homeschool Dad

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Notgrass History is a member of an organization of businesses that provide curriculum and services for homeschooling families. Ray and I always enjoy its annual conference. Last year it was cancelled due to COVID. This year we were looking forward to being there with our son and his family. However, when COVID numbers rose significantly at the chosen location, organization leaders decided to make it a virtual conference.

Ray and I learned a great deal as we participated online yesterday. We are looking forward to more today. The most inspiring session I heard was “Every Kid Deserves a Chance” by Anthony Davis.

Anthony’s dad dropped out of high school. His mother dropped out of high school. His older brother dropped out of high school. Anthony’s mother abandoned him. He spent part of his childhood in a homeless shelter.

Anthony learned to read when he was in the 11th grade. He did not drop out of high school. He graduated and went to college.

Anthony is now married and the father of a daughter. He is now a homeschool dad.

Anthony has helped his brother get his GED. He found his mother and helped her get a GED—and an associate’s degree and a bachelor’s degree.

Anthony’s life began to turn around when one teacher saw him as a kid who needed a chance and decided to give him one. She invested in him, and it changed his life.

Anthony spoke about his faith in God, and he told us that every kid deserves a chance.

Anthony encouraged each of us to be the person who makes this kind of difference in the lives of children.

Thank you for your total commitment to giving your children a chance.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself
and God our Father, who has loved us
and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace,
comfort and strengthen your hearts
in every good work and word.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17





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