

Hi! I'm Charlene. You are a homeschooling heroine, and I believe in you. As a veteran homeschooling mom, one of my greatest joys is encouraging moms like you. Thank you for what you do everyday.

Praising Each Child Fairly

Between 1979 and 1983, I gave birth to three distinctly different children. Now those distinctly different children have blessed us with distinctly different grandchildren. Five of these distinctly different grandchildren came for an overnight visit last Friday. While Ray and…

Just Mama and Me

Following the guidelines of the local board of education, Mother and Daddy sent me off to first grade when I was five years old. In 1958 in our town, children could begin their twelve-year public school adventure at five years…

We All Need God

First, let me thank you again for your precious prayers for Ray and me during this long health journey for Ray. I am very grateful to report that he got a good report from his radiation oncologist yesterday. Praise God!…