Calmly, Bravely, and Purposefully

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When I shared a quote from Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park recently, I searched for images of nighttime skies. During that search, I came across a beautiful painting by Edward Moran in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution. I have included it near the end of today’s post.

Edward Moran was born in the county of Lancashire, England, in 1829. His family worked as weavers and Edward also learned to weave. However, Edward loved to draw so much that he drew on the fabric on his loom.

The Moran family moved to America in 1844 and settled in Philadelphia. Edward was 15 years old. He studied with local drawing teacher James Hamilton. By the 1880s, Edward Moran had become well-known as America’s top painter of the sea.

He was about 29 years old when he painted this scene of fishing boats.

Fishing Boats Beating up to Windward by Edward Moran, c. 1858
Courtesy of Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Bequest of Mabel Johnson Langhorne

He painted Riding Out a Gale when he was about 60.

Riding Out a Gale by Edward Moran, c. 1889
Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Bequest of Clara L. Tuckerman

The painting I came across while writing about Mansfield Park and which introduced me to this painter is Life Saving Patrol, seen below. Moran created many paintings depicting storms and shipwrecks. He painted Life Saving Patrol eight years before his death in 1901. It is by far my favorite.

Life Saving Patrol by Edward Moran
Courtesy of Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Bequest of Clara L. Tuckerman

This man walks calmly, bravely, and purposefully along the shore in search of ships and people who may be in trouble. The scene is so real. The dog, the lantern, the moon, the reflections, the gaze out to sea—their story is clear.

How appropriate to depict this scene after painting so many of people in distress. Every person experiences the storms of life. May our children walk calmly, bravely, and purposefully, looking for others they can help in the storms.

Bear one another’s burdens,
and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2


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