Category My Heart to Yours

Thinking Like a Child

As I was getting ready this morning, I was thinking (again!) about losing weight. It prompted a memory of a cute thing Mary Evelyn said when she was little. When she was around four, people made lots of comments about…

Face Time

After the Last Supper, Jesus and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus told most of them to sit and pray, before taking Peter, James, and John with Him. Then He left them, too, and went a little…


When families walk into a vendor hall at a homeschool convention, they find neat rows of booths stocked with curriculum and other useful resources. First time attendees are overwhelmed. I remember that feeling. The first time Ray and I “wide…

The Church Visitors

My husband Ray was in full-time ministry for over twenty years. During that time, we were in the role of welcoming people who visited church rather than being visitors ourselves. That has certainly changed this spring. Family visits and homeschool…