Finding Hidden Treasures

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One of the homeschool dads in our support group (back in the 1990s) had a background in geology. He invited a creation scientist to guide homeschool parents and children on an all-day field trip. John, Bethany, Mary Evelyn, and I had a wonderful day. We began in Cookeville, Tennessee, which rests on a geographic feature known as the Highland Rim. During the day, we traveled to the Cumberland Plateau and to the Sequatchie Valley.

Middle and East Tennessee are so hilly that road crews often blast through hills to make roads more level than they would be otherwise. The blasting reveals the layers of rocks beneath the hills. Throughout our day-long field trip, the scientist showed us evidence of the Great Flood in rock layers along the sides of roads.

At one point, our guide led us to the side of a road where there were many flat, gray rocks. We had been instructed beforehand to bring tools to use to break open rocks we found. I picked up one of these flat rocks, placed it on its side, and whacked it. The rock split easily into two layers. Inside was the perfect imprint of a fern at least eight inches long. It was delicate and beautiful.

I was overcome with amazement. I realized that God had chosen me to be the very first person in the world to see this beautiful fern fossil. At some time in the past, God had placed that fern imprint there and He knew that I would be the one to find it.

For the Lord is a great God
And a great King above all gods,
In whose hand are the depths of the earth,
The peaks of the mountains are His also.
Psalm 95:3-5

I still have the hidden treasure God gave me that day. The rock that I could open so easily is brittle so it is no longer one big beautiful fern. However, I do have several pieces. This is one of them.

As a homeschooling mama, you get to go treasure hunting every day. What hidden treasure will you find today while you spend the day with your children? What treasure will you be the very first person ever to see in your very own offspring?

O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
Psalm 139:1-3

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