Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July, Mamas!
Take a walk down memory lane with me as I share chronological pictures from 4th of July celebrations Ray and I have enjoyed through the years.
This is our son-in-law Nate and his dad Rick preparing to do what they love to do every year to celebrate the 4th of July. The more spectacular the better.
Near “the boils” of Roaring River.
An Independence Day party at our house.
The now-annual 4th of July party at the home of our younger daughter and her husband.
Celebrating at Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana.
Celebrating the 4th in Lancaster, Tennessee.
Twirling my fire baton at our daughter and her husband’s annual party.
I pray you have a wonderful day of gratitude to God for allowing us to live in this free country. May we live our lives every day showing Him our gratitude, preserving His gift, and sharing Him with others.
. . . and He made from one man every nation of mankind
to live on all the face of the earth, having determined
their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation . . .
Acts 17:26