If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
Jesus’ other disciples were indignant with James and John after their mother came to Jesus, asking if her sons could sit on the left and right of Jesus in His kingdom. Jesus told the ten that He:
. . . did not come to be served, but to serve,
and to give His life a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:28b
At the Last Supper, Jesus’ disciples argued about which one of them was the greatest. Jesus told them:
. . . I am among you as the one who serves.
Luke 22:27b
Earlier that week, He had told them:
. . . if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
John 12:26
Today I would like to honor our friends who served us when we recently needed to be out of our house for a few days. On our second day away from home, Ray had a medical appointment over two hours away. This couple knew about the appointment and knew that we could use some encouragement. They were also going out of town that day in the same direction and asked if we would like to meet for lunch along our way. We enjoyed that lunch together very much. Their reason for being out of town was that they were going to the Nashville airport to pick up a friend.
The day before, they had invited us to spend the night at their house after Ray’s appointment, an invitation we joyfully accepted. Since we were able to combine Ray’s appointment with a visit with other friends who live close to the place of the appointment, we were late getting to our hosts’ house. When we arrived they had not been home very long because they had driven an hour in another direction to support a mutual friend who was performing that evening with his family bluegrass band.
This was our friends’ day:
- Prepare their guest room for us.
- Drive an hour to have lunch with us.
- Drive 20 minutes farther to the Nashville airport to pick up another friend who had flown out of state to say goodbye to her dying sister.
- Drive this friend the hour and 20 minutes back home.
- Drive an hour to the bluegrass music show to support yet another friend and drive back home.
- Host Ray and me overnight.
During the day, I texted the wife, saying: “We so admire how you serve people. Wow! Debby, Ray and me, and now Jimmy, all today.”
This was her reply: “Didn’t really think about that, but thanks.”
During a visit to our friends’ home a few weeks ago,
I admired this beautiful flower arrangement
they had picked up at Trader Joe’s.
Notice that the petals on the lower flowers are shaped like straws!
They were deep pink on the outside and light pink on the inside.
I admired them so much that, of course, she sent them home with me.
We enjoyed them for over two weeks!
It took that long for even the rose to wilt.
Our friends are empty nesters now after graduating both of their children from homeschool. He works from home, and she is a creative homemaker. We so admire them both. These parents gave their children opportunities to serve while they were growing up, and the parents have kept on serving as they always have.
. . . through love serve one another.
Galatians 5:13