I’m Sorry.

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I am up early this morning to try to clear something up with each of you. I learned late last night from a longtime blog reader that the speech by Mike DeWine, governor of Ohio, was a controversial one for some homeschooling families in Ohio. I appreciate her for letting me know. I’m sorry if my sharing it was hurtful to anyone.

Those of you who have read my posts for a long time know my heart for each one of you. Please know that I don’t get news from Ohio and had no way of knowing that. My friend who shared the speech with me in the first place is a veteran homeschooling mother who has been one of my dearest friends for many years. I shared it with love. I did not share it to be political. I shared his speech:

  • to honor the Native Americans, African Americans, pioneers, and Appalachian people that he praised,
  • to encourage you by letting you know that a public official was quoting from God’s Word, and
  • to encourage you and to show love for you.

I have struggled about how much to say to you about COVID-19, especially since it has become so political. I care deeply about each one of you and I trust God completely. We are getting very mixed messages through all kinds of media outlets, both liberal and conservative. My older woman heart wants to help you younger women in every way I can (See Titus 2:3-5). These are my two main messages to you about the virus.

  • Please know that God is trustworthy.
  • Please take care of yourself and those you love.

Those are the principles that I am living by in these days. In early February, all six members of our younger daughter’s family were sick with the flu, some of them very sick. While that was going on, I spent a day in the hospital with skyhigh blood pressure. The next day my mother got very ill. She went into hospice care two days later. She passed away 13 days after that. COVID-19 quarantine issues began to affect our business operations 13 days after that.

Meanwhile, I have been updating America the Beautiful, advising and assisting our daughter in her writing of Our 50 States, and assisting Ray with Exploring World Geography — all while trying prayerfully to deal sensitively, compassionately, and honestly in each of those curricula about issues that are dividing our country. Just the emotions of doing that have been exhausting.

Last week the COVID-19 situation got even closer to my circle of friends and loved ones.

  • After waiting 13 days for results, we finally found out with relief that a dear loved one’s test was negative.
  • A business associate shared with me for the first time the details of her multi-week battle with a serious case of the virus.
  • A friend told me about the death of someone at her church, about her own young physician testing positive and being very sick, about the man her husband works closely with whose wife has been exposed, and about the man her husband was with at work a week before who has tested positive.

My heart breaks for the families who have lost jobs and lost loved ones and missed milestones. And I am very sorry if I hurt anyone by my post yesterday. When I say, “Please be careful,” I say it because I really do love you — and I really do trust God.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:35



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  1. Charlene, I don’t know anything about what’s going on in Ohio or why that speech was controversial. I’m an Oklahoma girl. However, I DO know Charlene Notgrass, and you are a true lover of people and would never want to be hurtful. I appreciate so much the words you share with us all every day. You fulfill the Titus 2 command beautifully. ❤️
    Love you, sister.

    • I 100% agree with you Cindy! I think that in our current environment there is nothing anyone can say about this pandemic that will not be controversial to someone. Charlene, I know that you would never deliberately try to offend or stir up trouble and I always take your words in the spirit in which I know you meant them. I think your apology shows the humility and love that is in your heart.

  2. I feel really badly that you’re in the position of having to apologize for something that, in my opinion, doesn’t require an apology. I know nothing about the governor of Ohio or his political affiliations, and I’m intentionally not looking them up because I don’t think it should matter. This pandemic should never have been politicized. I didn’t watch his speech, but from your summary, it certainly doesn’t seem like he said anything wrong. He’s right that the virus is a genuine health concern, he’s right to honor the people who he praised, and it’s awesome that he quoted from the Bible. Furthermore, as Cindy says, anyone who reads your blog should be well aware that you would never intentionally write anything hurtful. Again, I’m sorry that you’ve been put in this position.

  3. I’m a homeschooler in Ohio who is very grateful for our governor, You are so right, the opinions are all over the place. There is no shame in highlighting his speech and the points you made, and I am thankful you did. May God bless you and your family in this time.

  4. Charlene,
    I am so sorry you have been going through difficult times recently. It is very hard to lose your Momma. I was the caregiver for my mom for many years and lost her 3 years ago. I am praying for God’s strength and comfort for you and your family????????
    Thank you for blessing so many with your wonderful words of encouragement and sharing your God given talents.
    In Him,

  5. Charlene—just now read this and I cannot begin to imagine how anyone—especially homeschooling families—could have taken offense at Governor DeWine’s speech. My parents and extended family live in Ohio and my parents cannot praise him enough for how he has taken their state through this crisis with calmness, steadiness, peacefulness and clear faith. As a believer, he has been a great comfort to my parents in the way that he chooses to highlight the positives and provide constant encouragement during his briefings. No, I do not believe you need to worry about having highlighted his speech. Your motives were crystal clear and I am sorry that you felt you had offended anyone. Thank you for the original post—I greatly enjoyed it!

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