Marveling at His Wisdom

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We at Notgrass History are up to our eyeballs in a brand new project, an American history for homeschooling families with children in grades 1-4. We are working hard to have it ready for families to use this fall. I’m optimistic. We don’t have a title yet. Just for fun, I’m calling it “little history” around the office, but don’t expect that to end up on the cover!

On Friday I cleaned off the “pasteboard” of the unit I was working on, which means that I deleted photos I had “laid” next to the pages in InDesign, photos I wanted to use but couldn’t fit in. As I started to delete pictures from a priceless day in Chaco Canyon National Historical Park in New Mexico back in 2013, I thought of you and decided that if I couldn’t show them to the children, when they start using this book, I’d show them to you today. What they reveal of God’s creative hand are too wonderful not to share with someone!

They call to mind a devotional song I learned many years ago. I tried to find its author online, but didn’t succeed. I did find it referenced in a songbook from Nigeria. It warmed my heart to think of Nigerian Christians singing it. If you are familiar with the song and know who wrote it, please tell me, so I can give him or her credit.

These are the lines that came to mind on Friday:

When I see the little lily pushing up the heavy sod,
I marvel at the wisdom of my God.

The photos don’t line up exactly with the description of Solomon’s wisdom in 1 Kings 4, which I have inserted below them, but it blesses me to see the pictures and read the passage together. Read, look, and wonder while remembering:

Oh, the depth of the riches
both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are His judgments
and unfathomable His ways!
Romans 11:33

Little History Desert Flowers 3

Now God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great discernment and breadth of mind,
like the sand that is on the seashore . . . .

Little History Desert Flowers 2

He spoke of trees,
from the cedar that is in Lebanon . . .

LIttle History Desert Flowers 1

even to the hyssop that grows on the wall; . . .

Little History Desert Flowers 4

he spoke also of animals . . .

Little History Desert Prairie Dog

and birds . . .

Little History Bird Homes

 . . . and creeping things and fish. 

Little History Desert Lizard

Men came from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon,
from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.
1 Kings 4:29, 33-34

God’s lessons are all around us. How blessed you are to share them with your children every day.

For since the creation of the world
His invisible attributes,
His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen,
being understood through what has been made,
so that they are without excuse.
Romans 1:20



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  1. I am so so excited about your “little history” project. I am sure it will be fabulous and I am praying for you as you work to finish it up.

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