Mondays in Jenny’s Homeschool

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A Monday Washing in New York City, c. 1900. Courtesy Library of Congress.

Ray and I spent an encouraging weekend at the Cincinnati Great Homeschool Convention this past weekend. I appreciate you readers who came by. Your kindness blessed me. As always I love hearing about the experiences of families who use Notgrass History. One mama told me a story about how she uses our curriculum to bless two of her friends. I’ll call the mama Jenny.

Jenny and her family are friends with a widow and her daughter. Many years ago the daughter completed all the education she needed to become a teacher, except for her student teaching. Health problems prevented her from being able to finish, and she still struggles with her health. This widowed mother and her daughter live together. They have limited opportunities for Christian fellowship.

Some time ago Jenny and her family began taking dinner to these women once a week. They ate together and sang together. When Jenny’s schedule got so full that she had trouble fitting in those evenings, God led her to a solution. Now she and her children go to their friends’ home on Monday mornings and do their schoolwork there. The children have some individual subjects to work on but they do From Adam to Us together — including the widow and her daughter! They pass the book from person to person so that everyone can see the pictures. From Adam to Us is our world history curriculum for grades 5, 6, 7, or 8. The daughter especially loved history when she was studying to be a teacher. Now she gets to be “in class” with Jenny and her children.

Jenny and the children bring their own lunch, their friends make their own lunch, and they all eat together. As they used to do during their evenings together, they sing.

Jenny emphasized to me her desire for these women to enjoy fellowship. What a sweet gift this is not only to the women, but also to the children. They don’t get as much “schoolwork” in as they would at home, but they are learning eternal lessons.

Through Him then, let us continually
offer up a sacrifice of praise to God,
that is, the fruit of lips
that give thanks to His name.
And do not neglect doing good and sharing,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16


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