Surprised by Kindness
Yesterday was one of those beautiful crisp and cool fall days that make you want to throw your head back, look up into the blue sky, and say, “Ah-h-h-h!” It was the perfect day for an outing to a park with Mary Evelyn and her family.
The slide, the swings, and the climbing ball were all such fun — and the kids enjoyed them, too.
As we were regrouping and about to leave, a few children came to the park alone and some came over to talk to us by the bench I was sharing with Mary Evelyn and their youngest.
During the conversation, I had my second surprise comment from a little boy I didn’t know in just a few days. As we chatted happily about the chill in the air with a little girl, the little boy beside her asked me if I was cold. He already had his jacket half-way off.
Of course, I thanked him, told him I was fine, and complimented his kindness. As Mary Evelyn and I walked away together, we expressed our amazement at the generosity of this little stranger.
Children have so much to teach us. Enjoy your lessons today — the ones you teach your children and the ones they teach you.
My little friend reminded me of these words of Jesus.
For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink
because of your name as followers of Christ,
truly I say to you, he will not lose his reward.
Mark 9:41