

Hi! I'm Charlene. You are a homeschooling heroine, and I believe in you. As a veteran homeschooling mom, one of my greatest joys is encouraging moms like you. Thank you for what you do everyday.

Marveling at His Wisdom

We at Notgrass History are up to our eyeballs in a brand new project, an American history for homeschooling families with children in grades 1-4. We are working hard to have it ready for families to use this fall. I’m optimistic.…

Time to Get Dressed

Is getting dressed ever an issue at your house? Sometimes children really don’t want to stop what they are doing to do something as mundane as changing clothes. Maybe they wouldn’t mind so much if they got to dress up like…

Trust and Crossing Bridges

During a recent ladies Bible class, one of the women shared a prayer request. She said that she is soon to visit a specialist in Nashville about an artery issue. After class I expressed my concern and said something to…